Table of Contents
1. MGL language
1.1 MGL basics
1.2 General concepts
1.2.1 Coordinate axes
1.2.2 Line styles
1.2.3 Color scheme
1.2.4 Font styles
1.2.5 Textual formulas
1.3 Graphics setup
1.3.1 Transparency
1.3.2 Lighting
1.3.3 Fog
1.3.4 Default sizes
1.3.5 Zooming
1.3.6 Cutting
1.3.7 Other settings
1.4 Axis settings
1.5 Transformation matrix
1.6 Export to file
1.7 Primitives drawing
1.8 Text printing
1.9 Axis and Colorbar
1.10 Legend
1.11 1D plotting
1.12 2D plotting
1.13 3D plotting
1.14 Dual plotting
1.15 Vector fields
1.16 Other plotting
1.17 Nonlinear fitting
1.18 Data create
1.19 Data filling
1.20 Rearrange data
1.21 File I/O
1.22 Make another data
1.23 Change data
1.24 Operators
1.25 Program flow
1.26 Command options
1.27 Suffixes for variable
1.28 Utilities for parsing MGL
2. MathGL examples
2.1 Basic usage
2.2 Advanced usage
2.2.1 Subplots
2.2.2 Axis and grids
2.2.3 Curvilinear coordinates
2.2.4 Text printing example
2.3 Data handling
2.3.1 Array creation
2.3.2 Data changing
2.4 Data plotting
2.4.1 Plots for 1D data
2.4.2 Plots for 2D data
2.4.3 Plots for 3D data
2.4.4 Surface transparency
2.5 Hints
2.5.1 “Compound” graphics
2.5.2 Two axes in one plot
2.5.3 Titles for the plot
2.5.4 Changing of the color range
2.5.5 Management of a point cutting
2.5.6 Vector field visualization
2.5.7 Several light sources
2.5.8 CutMin and CutMax features
2.5.9 Mapping visualization
2.5.10 Log-scaled plot
2.5.11 Nonlinear fitting hints
2.5.12 PDE solving hints
2.5.13 Stereo image
3. Samples
3.1 1D plotting samples
3.1.1 Plot sample
3.1.2 Radar sample
3.1.3 Tens sample
3.1.4 Area sample
3.1.5 Area with gradient filling sample
3.1.6 Bars sample
3.1.7 Bars 2 colors sample
3.1.8 Bars above sample
3.1.9 Bars fall sample
3.1.10 Barh sample
3.1.11 Step sample
3.1.12 Stem sample
3.1.13 Region sample
3.1.14 Region gradient sample
3.1.15 Error sample
3.1.16 BoxPlot sample
3.1.17 Mark sample
3.1.18 TextMark sample
3.1.19 Tube sample
3.1.20 Text sample
3.1.21 Torus sample
3.1.22 Chart sample
3.1.23 Pie chart sample
3.1.24 Ring chart sample
3.2 2D plotting samples
3.2.1 Surf sample
3.2.2 Transparent surface sample
3.2.3 Surface in fog sample
3.2.4 Sharp colors sample
3.2.5 Mesh sample
3.2.6 Fall sample
3.2.7 Belt sample
3.2.8 Tile sample
3.2.9 Boxs sample
3.2.10 Dens sample
3.2.11 Cont sample
3.2.12 ContF sample
3.2.13 ContD sample
3.2.14 Axial sample
3.2.15 Grad sample
3.3 3D plotting samples
3.3.1 Surf3 sample
3.3.2 Cloud sample
3.3.3 CloudP sample
3.3.4 Dens3 sample
3.3.5 Cont3 sample
3.3.6 ContF3 sample
3.3.7 Cont projection sample
3.3.8 Dens projection sample
3.3.9 CutMinMax sample
3.3.10 “Isocaps” sample
3.3.11 CutOff sample
3.4 Dual plotting samples
3.4.1 SurfC sample
3.4.2 SurfA sample
3.4.3 TileS sample
3.4.4 Map sample
3.4.5 Traj sample
3.4.6 Vect sample
3.4.7 VectL sample
3.4.8 VectC sample
3.4.9 Flow sample
3.4.10 Pipe sample
3.4.11 Dew sample
3.4.12 Surf3C sample
3.4.13 Surf3A sample
3.4.14 Vect 3D sample
3.4.15 VectL 3D sample
3.4.16 VectC 3D sample
3.4.17 Flow 3D sample
3.4.18 Pipe 3D sample
3.4.19 Crust sample
3.4.20 Dots sample
3.5 Basic features
3.5.1 1D plot sample
3.5.2 2D plot sample
3.5.3 3D plot sample
3.5.4 Line styles sample
3.5.5 Arrow styles sample
3.5.6 Text styles sample
3.5.7 TeX parsing sample
3.5.8 Font faces sample
3.5.9 Colors sample
3.5.10 Color schemes sample
3.5.11 Normal transparency
3.5.12 Glass-like transparency
3.5.13 Lamp-like transparency
3.6 Additional features
3.6.1 Legend sample
3.6.2 Adding mesh sample
3.6.3 Surf & Cont sample
3.6.4 Flow & Dens sample
3.6.5 Several light sample
3.6.6 Mirrored surface sample
3.6.7 Cont with labels sample
3.6.8 Ternary plot sample
3.6.9 Quaternary plot sample
3.6.10 Coloring by coordinates sample
3.6.11 Drops sample
3.6.12 Molecules drawing sample
3.7 Advanced features
3.7.1 Curvelinear coorinates sample
3.7.2 2-axes sample
3.7.3 Semi-log sample
3.7.4 Log-log sample
3.7.5 Fitting sample
3.7.6 Envelop sample
3.7.7 Sew sample
3.7.8 STFA sample
3.7.9 PDE sample
3.7.10 Beam tracing sample
3.7.11 Parser sample
3.7.12 Tick values sample
3.7.13 ColumnPlot sample
3.7.14 StickPlot sample
3.7.15 Stereo image sample
A. GNU Free Documentation License
This document was generated by
Alexey Balakin
May 31, 2011
texi2html 1.82